WebAble was born in 2013. Since then Dhaka has seen many digital marketing companies come and go but WebAble remains – steady and strong. From a small operation of 6 people in its early days, WebAble has grown to 70 people in less than five years. The recipe to their burgeoning success has been the young agency’s tenacity for consistency. In a service business, employees are at the core of the business. At Webable, the onboarding of the right people was prioritised in order to help their clients achieve their goals consistently. In context of the recent pandemic that brought the whole world to a halt and many companies lost their footing, Webable survived – primarily because of the right blend of clients and internal team members.
Professional Solutions done Innovatively
WebAble has provided professional solutions to a wide range of clientele including Kaspersky, Aarong, Dell, Bay Developments, Rahimafrooz, Bangladesh Brand Forum, British American Tobacco, Bitdefender, Akhoni.com and other reputed organisations. One of their outstanding and successful campaigns has been done with IFAD Autos – It’s such an unconventional product to be expected to be sold through a digital platform! The campaign began with mapping out IFAD Autos ideal customers and where they spend time online. Then extensive work was done to track behavioural patterns, likes, dislikes, what colors people respond to more, etch through a trial and error process. Once backed by enough data, the content development activities began, which was paired with their media distribution for one quarter. The leads generated through online platforms generated a positive and encouraging response. Within six months of the campaign, it garnered 732,000+ engagements on Facebook for IFAD Autos. Within the first 6 months of launching the campaign for selling trucks online in Bangladesh, their sales have drastically increased. The effect of the online campaign had a spill-over effect on their offline sales too. They sold their first 50 trucks worth about BDT 10 crore directly from online channels.
The Digital Shift
With the onset of the pandemic, digitization has exponentially accelerated. Yes, the pandemic has disrupted the marketing & communication industry overall briefly. Some problematic outcomes were cancellation of many events and offline activities which were tied with digital plans that many clients had lined up. Apart from that, several campaigns had to be pushed back or pivoted. This is where digital agencies played a vital role – Adapting the plans to cope with the new normal. WebAble went through a similar phase where they co-created and restructured the plans to shift fully to digital and make the most out of it. To this end, collectively industry-wide, the digital shift saw an acceleration which might have a long term effect.
Apart from limiting their responsibilities towards clients only, WebAble also went a step further to help contain the economic blow of the pandemic. WebAble partnered with Innovision to develop PROSHAR – PROSHAR is an end-to-end relief transfer system that ensures your donation reaches the underprivileged households in minutes affected by COVID-19 and AMPHAN cyclones in minutes! You donate on proshar.org and beneficiaries receive food & essentials from a local grocery/micro merchant/moodir dokandar. It’s transparent, fast, and easy. This is a project of resilience and a matter of pride that it was designed, developed and executed in this pandemic.
A Smooth Transition
Despite many companies being reluctant to accommodate digital marketing into their marketing budgets, Webable’s clientele were quick to adapt to the process due to their familiarity. In some cases, clients who generally rely on heavy offline activities rather quickly reached out to Webable to prioritize digital marketing first as a response to the pandemic. The marketing personnel in the brand ends have evolved intelligently over time which made this transformation much smoother than expected. Content marketing saw a marked rise. Webable’s content planning and execution are both data driven making the process accurate and reliable.
Strength lies in Stories
Storytelling is a powerful tool. It is also one of those tools that is hard to navigate. One of the most successful projects from WebAble was Made in Equality – A storytelling platform about RMG workers in Bangladesh. This project took two whole months to take off because of how difficult it was to get the stories off the ground. It took a while to get it right – but once we did, it saw tremendous response! This single project reached 11 million people, generating 4.5 million engagement in its first year. The project was also featured at The Huffington Post, The Buzzfeed, and several other international media because of it’s strong storytelling approach to changing a global narrative.
Storytelling is still an underrated marketing tool. It’s definitely one of the most effective ways to engage your audience as well as set a narrative for brands and causes alike. At WebAble, they have developed an inhouse team of experts in marketing through storytelling.
Ever Evolving Medias
The three basics of marketing are copywriting, writing good headlines and having excellent CTAs for creating effective communication. They have all evolved to become more crisp – People spend less and less time reading. Thus, they expect to get ideas about a news or update from just a headline or a copy. This also means the role of visuals have evolved to become more powerful and communicative.
Future-proofing Education
Webable has taken the initiative to drive the country’s digital ecosystem to the next level by effectively catering to digital asset development and management needs of business, healthcare, education and other sectors. The education industry has already started evolving during this pandemic. However, it has a long way to go! It’s very important for them to digitize to be sustainable in the long term, rather than seeing the pandemic as a passing phase, permanent and long lasting digital measures need to be implemented in the education industry. This digital transformation can change the way kids study and learn all over the world.
The Disrupting Trends Continue
Digital space is a fast moving and fluid space. Trends keep shifting. However, we can see more and more audiences moving out of Facebook and into other new platforms such as Likee, TikTok, etc. More audiences are adapting to video platforms, which we believe is a trend to stay.