Similar to several of the third world countries around the world, Bangladesh is in the midst of an epidemiologic transition where the burden is shifting from communicable to non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Besides, cases of cancer, or diabetes, are rapidly increasing. According to World Health Organization’s (WHO) National Center for Biotechnology, in South-East Asia Region, NCDs – which include heart disease, stroke, cancer, chronic respiratory diseases, and diabetes – are estimated to account for half of the annual mortality (54%) and burden of disease (47%). In Bangladesh itself, starting from 1986 to 2006, the major causes of death gradually shifted from acute infectious and parasitic diseases to NCDs. NCDs account for an estimated 59% of total deaths in Bangladesh – 886,000 deaths a year. The findings of a policy analysis suggest that although the government has initiated many NCD-related policies or programs, we still need to do a lot more work for implementation, and monitoring.
There are approximately 130,000 to 150,000 cancer patients in Bangladesh, with about 200,000 patients newly diagnosed each year. Around 150 qualified clinical oncologists and 16 pediatric oncologists are working in the different parts of the country, to treat the overwhelming number of patients. However, regular cancer treatment is available in only 19 hospitals around the nation and 465 hospital beds are attached to indoor or daycare facilities for chemotherapy in the oncology/radiotherapy departments. For cancer treatment, there are about 15 linear accelerators, 12 Co-60 teletherapy, and 12 brachytherapy units currently available, which are heavily inadequate for the growing population. Approximately, 56 cancer chemotherapeutic agents are obtainable in Bangladesh.
Therapeutic Strategy and Solutions
Improving the cancer scenario overnight is not an easy task but policymakers may become interested and aid in pushing this agenda forward if the huge health impact and economic loss caused by cancer become evident to them. Bangladesh has a unique National Cancer Control Strategy and Plan of Action (2009-2015) formulated with the assistance of World Health Organization (WHO) with an objective to develop and implement a continuum of cancer care through a comprehensive cancer control program. Besides that, Bangladesh has accepted a reduction of cancer morbidity and mortality targets set by United Nations and WHO as a part of global non-communicable disease prevention agreement, and ACI plans to be a part of the goal. The pharmaceutical corporation is expanding the capacity of treatment in the country into the realms of biotech engineering. With almost three decades of expertise in the business, ACI is one of the top pharmaceutical companies in Bangladesh, employing more than 5,000 people all over the country. As a progressive company, ACI Pharma is dedicated to improving the health of people of Bangladesh through the introduction of innovative and reliable pharmaceutical products. ACI maintains a congenial and supportive relationship with the healthcare community of Bangladesh, with the belief that business excellence can only be achieved through pursuit of quality by understanding, accepting, meeting and exceeding customer expectations. Considering the future threat, ACI Biotech & Specialty Care is working very hard to introduce all potential therapy for cancer patients.
As ACI will produce global standard medicine at a much lower price, more people will be able to afford the medicines for a prolonged period of time. For example, Filgrastim would cost £98.39 per injection, which is approximately Tk. 11,500 (excluding the extra costs of shipping or importing the product) where ACI medicine (Ropenia) is 50%-60% cheaper compared to international brands, which will not only benefit the company but the patients and government too.
Technology: The New Age of Pharmaceuticals
ACI Biotech began its journey in 2016 with a small investment but the ultimate project is expected to scale up higher. At the inceptive period of the program, production facilities simply included robotic technologies to enhance the production excellence. One class APIs (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) were imported and processed by these robotic hands to produce the drugs. Considering the existing facilities and market demand, the biotech sector has started its journey with two medicines: Recogen (Erythropoietin Alfa) and Ropenia (G-CSF, Filgrastim).
The research regulated on cancer currently focuses on biochemical pathways and the ways in which they control cell division and programmed cell death, otherwise known as apoptosis. Ropenia is the first biotech product for oncology by ACI.
Bangladesh Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a significant health issue around 17% of the population is impacted by CKD. Recogen plays a vital role to improve the quality of life for those patients. ACI Biotech is closely attached with more than 300 nephrologists and other medical specialists who deal with CKD patients. Around 200 small and big dialysis centers also playing a vital role for the patients, so ACI Biotech is performing extensive promotion activities for the awareness of CKD patients. Considering the excellent quality and affordable price of the products, Bangladesh Army and Border Guard Bangladesh has become a customer of ACI Biotech.
Setting the Regimen for a New Medical Cycle
A dedicated biotech pharmaceutical plant is under construction in Sonargaon, to serve the patients of Bangladesh with world-class advanced medicine, and an investment of over Tk. 3 billion. Biotechnology is sophisticated and requires automation machinery since there is no room for errors or clumsiness in the manufacturing process. Biotech has quickly transformed the medical landscape and many companies now require advanced automation for a variety of purposes including the production of biotech equipment and for various testing processes at the development and research stages. Automation GT has worked to be at the forefront of innovation in the design of machines involved in the production of biotech products destined for commercial use.
In the past three to four years, most of the new drugs by the United State Food and Drug Administration (USFDA) were created with biotechnology. The future of medicine relies on biotechnology, as they have minimum side effects and only work in a selective area. The emerging demand for cancer medicines in Bangladesh urged ACI to invest in this sector. With the tagline “Advancing possibilities” the pioneer in Bangladesh Pharma industry, ACI is advancing to meet the international standards of medical need for the Bangladeshi population.
Before Medicines Make It to the Market
ACI will produce the medicines mainly for Bangladesh but they will also focus on other nations. Its main market is Bangladesh. Pharmaceutical marketing is quite complicated, and unique from other products. Before the medicines are made available, a pre-marketing process is done. The products cannot be promoted to the customers directly, instead, it is promoted to doctors by allowing the information on the drugs i.e. the trials, the benefits and in ACI’s case- the lower cost. As ACI will produce global standard medicine at a much lower price, more people will be able to afford the medicines for a prolonged period of time. For example, Filgrastim would cost £98.39 per injection, which is approximately Tk. 11,500 (excluding the extra costs of shipping or importing the product) where ACI medicine (Ropenia) is 50%-60% cheaper compared to international brands, which will not only benefit the company but the patients and government too.
Premarketing is the foundation stage of any marketing plan to enable business development. ACI is preparing product brochures and catalogs which will be handed out and other related sales and marketing tools are in place. This ensures that the brand is capitalizing on their ongoing marketing and sales team activity. It helps to clarify the ACI’s identity, function, target audience and their requirements.
Advancing Possibilities: Plans for expansion
Although ACI Biotech has only recently begun its journey, plans of expansion are already taken into consideration. The factory production capacity expansion will include the production of Antibodies, Proteins, and Recombinant DNA Products. Their greatest potential lies in gene therapy. ACI is aiming to penetrate the international market within three to four years, even though it would require more time for the company to earn enough income revenue to meet the price of cost. With a mission to achieve business excellence through quality by understanding, accepting, meeting and exceeding customer expectations, ACI leaps into the future, taking Bangladesh a few years ahead than its natural course in the sector of medicine.