Changing with times: The Future is Bright

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The tale of a local corporate brand and how it transformed itself with the needs of today’s market

By Wafiur Rahman

People do many things to shape their future. As it is unpredictable, it is best to embrace it, cultivate what is forthcoming (all while releasing your trepidation), preparing yourself for hurdles, challenging yourself and all the other necessary motivational tools needed to succeed. That is the inspiration that drove the transformational success story of Super Star Group Ltd (SSG). This is merely not fancy words that they used on their annual calendar, but something that they adhere to professionally as well. As Aftab Mahmud Khurshid, Group CMO and Head of Business Development at SSG rightfully points out, ‘a calendar portrays your corporate identity.’

For a company that has been in business for more than 20 years, SSG has been through a lot. In order to change with the needs of time, they have gone through a process of revamping themselves and reach for the next level. ‘It was a timely decision by the management,’ says Aftab, ‘‘In order for SSG to transform itself to a corporate brand, it needed a facelift,’ Aftab surmised. ‘That is why we changed our vision, mission and values. As a contemporary corporate brand to live with; we need to emphasize on one voice philosophy in all our communications. As long as all this is instilled through our employees, our products, our customers and our communications, it will be possible for us to stick to our brand promise consistently. To communicate visually, verbally and virtually we follow a single brand strategy in all our actions as a modern company to make our future better and brighter in all aspects. This is also vital to develop our image and help us to become a good corporate citizen. We need to remember that our brand is our culture and our culture will shape our future.’

Despite their sustained foothold in the market, Aftab was modest about SSG’s new initiatives. ‘We are very new here, with a new marketing division,’ he said, ‘but new additions add new values to everything. Local companies, as we have seen, are mostly sales-oriented, not focusing on quality management, proper HR or proper policy/procedures. The total corporate mindset is still missing among local companies, which is necessary to run professionally.’

But Aftab also has solutions right up his sleeves. ‘In order to overcome this, we have to maintain our future growth potential. Critical success factors include hiring good people, allowing them to work properly and professionally. Most importantly, patience is needed to prosper. Nothing changes overnight. Quality product, people and service will always result in automatic growth. As long as there is support from top management, who have strategic positive thinking. Professional decentralisation is also a must. Sadly, most companies are still ‘one-man shows’. This needs to be changed. Authority needs to be delegated.’

He also pinpointed on the areas where local companies are lagging behind, in terms of communications. ‘We are lagging behind time. Most of our companies think that advertising and public relations can conduct branding. But these two elements are meager attributes for brand communication. A more holistic approach is needed. It should not be confined to just advertising. Rather, creative communication and cross-selling concept is a must, with an Omni-channel media strategy. As times are changing, coordination between marketing and digital/cyber marketing is also integral to a company’s marketing success. I believe that brand marketing is a continuous creative engineering and strategic business science.’

Given his extensive experience in the world of branding and marketing, Aftab holds words of wisdom for the next generation corporates and entrepreneurs. ‘They have to think about strategy and planning appropriately. The pace should be fast, otherwise we will lag behind modern countries even more. They can effectively use the media to their advantage, whereas we still cannot. This is the era of information marketing, so the proper blending of quality product, innovation and marketing is essential for success. It is another misconception here that marketing is cost, but both marketing and innovation are long term investments. If you have a good product, sales revenue is the last part of marketing. Extensive research and development are keys to success in innovation. Only through proper marketing can you earn revenue, secure businesses, step ahead of the competition. Otherwise you will be out of sight and further out of the mind of the customers. Sales alone cannot propel that drive.’

‘Brand marketing is chemistry between intuition and market information, where sometimes you have to follow your gut feelings. People should consider marketing insight for taking decisions. Based on that, the right segment for the right product can be identified and eventually your future will be bright.’

The vision of SSG is to be the most contemporary conglomerate locally and globally. Their mission is to provide innovative products and solutions that offer customers delight. Their values are being bold, responsive, innovative, global, human, tech-savvy and bright. ‘Because we believe our future is bright,’ Aftab adds. ‘As per our vision, we will be a local conglomerate with a foothold in the global marketplace. Our plans for expansion are underway. If you follow our logo, it indicates that our future is on the way up.’


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