Mr. Zarif Munir, Director of Universal College Bangladesh (UCB), speaks about his vision to offer students in Bangladesh an opportunity to become globally competent through UCB’s multi-dimensional skillset oriented education program
Could you please tell us about the vision of Universal College Bangladesh (UCB) and their core vision to improve on the scopes of higher education in Bangladesh?
Today, the quality of education is more important than ever. UCB incorporates a student-centric approach and offers the best quality in global standard education. Our goal is to ensure that students experience international academic standards and consequently, not only develop a global perspective but also adapt to it. We perceive our endeavours to be a key step forward in nurturing young aspiring students who are the future of the nation. We aim to do this by grooming them to emerge as true visionary leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs, and the game-changers of tomorrow.
What is the role of education in developing successful entrepreneurial skills? How is UCB preparing its students to develop these skills?
Education empowers students to seek comprehensive solutions, think creatively, empathize with others, and take calculated risks. Education also allows people to take pragmatic measures with problem-solving skills. It teaches everyone to accept failure and appreciate the correlation between hard work and success. These skills are evident in most successful entrepreneurs of the world, and UCB recognizes the importance of instilling these skills in its students. Therefore as an institution, we are focusing on building the right skill sets by encouraging students to think creatively and deliver ambitiously. We have introduced numerous workshops conducted by international facilitators to make training accessible to the students of this country, and also to make them globally competent.
How important is it for students to attain global competency in terms of higher education, and later in job sectors?
Globally competent students are lifelong learners. They can adapt and contribute knowledge to a world that is constantly and rapidly evolving. In the current global competitive environment, simply excelling academically is no longer sufficient for students to prepare for higher education and flourish in their careers. They must also learn soft skills such as problem-solving, adaptability, and communication skills. It is therefore imperative to nurture students to become globally competent.
As well as being the director of Universal College Bangladesh (UCB), you also serve as the director of Universal College Lanka (UCL). Given Bangladesh’s current state of economic growth, which aspects of UCL would be ideal for reproduction in UCB?
Bangladesh is progressing as a country. The nation has a remarkable track record of growth and poverty reduction. Over the past decade, Bangladesh has been amongst the fastest growing economies globally, supported by a demographic dividend, strong ready-made garment (RMG) exports, and stable macroeconomic conditions. The country’s commitment towards its Digital Bangladesh dream and continuous efforts in the education sector is propelling Bangladesh towards a better future.
We believe it is essential to nurture the youth of Bangladesh with global standard education to accelerate future growth. Ultimately, it is the youth who will be taking the country forward. In order to achieve this, students should aspire to develop practical skill sets through quality education. At University College Lanka (UCL), we work with excellent global institutions to ensure our students apply themselves to their highest potential. We aspire to reproduce the same rigour in quality assurance for our students at Universal College Bangladesh (UCB) through the implementation of progressive policies, and collaborations with global institutions. Like UCL, we want UCB to emerge as a one-stop solution for students who wish to pursue international education.
What are some of the ways UCB is contributing to tertiary education in Bangladesh?
Bangladesh’s education system is robust and diversified. UCB’s goal is to add to this robust education model by bringing new ways of teaching students in the country. Our partnership with Monash College permits us to leverage their teachers and their learning systems to create well-rounded students in Bangladesh. Furthermore, UCB believes that education should not be confined to reading textbooks and academic literature; it should also involve holistic learning to become well-rounded individuals. Therefore, we are organising workshops that address important issues like overcoming stress and anxiety, effective time management, improving cognitive abilities, and much more.